Monday, January 31, 2011

Beautiful Baby Lauren

The hospital had a professional photographer come in when Lauren was a mere 24 hours old. I can't believe she is already 3 months. I was going to post her 3 month pictures and realized I have not shared her 24 hour pictures.

Lauren came in to our lives at 8:37 in the morning on the one of the most windy days in Chicago history. We dropped the boys' off at Aunt Wendy's house just 1 hour prior to her being born. 1 hour after she arrived the hospital was without power. If her birthday is indicative of anything look out world. (It is just an over site that her name is not Wendy Storm).

Lauren is the sweetheart of the house. We often spend a good amount of our day trying to make her smile or laugh. She is told stories of dragons, monsters, and super heros. Adam has already bought her a batman shirt (a purple and pink batman shirt). This princess will not need a prince to rescue her because I have not doubt her brothers will teach her to fight her own way out.

Welcome to our world Lauren, thank you for having more smiles than tears. Thank you for not minding loud noises. Thank you for being my daughter. I can't wait to get to know you better.